
Practica Carla Marano --> Sunderland

Wow, tonight I was in Tango Motivo realizing just how badly I suck. Though it was a bad night (which doesn't help). But that is not what this post is about, and when I do write about it I'll be sure to detail how I suck. Because only in the details can really banal conditions like sucking be worth anything.

Anyway, this is about the práctica in Carla Marano. Now, while I wasn't busy sucking on the dance floor (I think last night was when the sucking moved from a whisper to a scream... I wonder if I'm objectively worse than before. I really do feel that way, but it can't be right) I was observing people dance. There was this one guy, Bruno, who was dancing with Carla and he is amazing. He danced quite simply, really, but it was so obvious that he was really improving in an open space, meaning that wasn't repeating some limited set of moves that he's learned. And then he just floated backwards a few steps, all the time bringing Carla along with him (I have to admit, she's not that nice to watch on the dance floor, but I'm sure I'm missing something). So anyway, I go up and talk to Bruno...

Bruno tells me that the reason that he has a caminata like that is that he studies with a guy named Pablito (?) Pérez in Sunderland (Mondays and Wednesdays from 20-22 hrs). Could be interesting. He makes you walk a lot, and he's a "viejo milonguero" but this guy Bruno is like, "look, it's worth it." I might just check it out. I'm surely not going too fast with my dancing, that's for sure.


Anonymous said...

The Sunderland practica is my personal favourite place to dance. I always go on Mondays, but have more difficulties making it on Wednesdays, unfortunately. The teachers Carlitos and Rosa Perez are very well respected, but personally their style is not my favourite. However, the standard of dancing is one of the highest in Buenos Aires. Sheer bliss! I can´t speak for the experience of dancing with the followers, however. Look out for me there - the curly-haired Scottish woman.

Dan Rosenstark said...

Thanks for your comments... personally, I never got Carlitos to say much to me, and when he did, it was technically anitiquated... but it's true, there's a decent level there. I'll have to stop by soon.

Last night I was at Practica8, which was very cool (but small). I'll have to blog about it soon...