
Back To Classes and Perfecting My Tango

Yesterday I went to 1pm class at DNI (what happened there? A month ago there were great dancers at the 1pm classes, now there's nobody. Maybe I should try Tango 4? I don't think so) with Gonzalo and Mariel. They're so cool, they really get along great and are teaching the same thing (this is not true for Eugenia and Sebastián, who are teaching two different classes using the same figure). The figure was nice and had a few rebounds and a nice one to do a turn. Obviously my balance is getting better since I didn't even think about the turn.

Then I went to Tango Motivo which basically sucked, but I think that it's just me and my weird headspace. There were definitely women to dance with, although not that many. On the other side of the coin, my chica came to the Práctica because she went to the Forever Tango auditions today. She's a great dancer but spent a lot of the night sentada. Which is the reality of the situation, always: although there may be more guys than girls (sic.) in some of the classes, guys are always lacking in the milonga. Which I'll be using to my advantage once I get out of my weird headspace.

Afterwards I took a walk by la Viruta to confirm that Monday and Tuesday it is, in fact, closed. Canning would have been the place to go last night.

Today I went to DNI again for Tango 2/3 with Sebastián and Eugenia (with Pedro asistiendo) and it was a great class. However, as always, the figure that S&E decided to teach was not only harder than the figure from the day before, but it was also not explained as well. Pedro helped me out a lot, so I have to give him props.

The figure was basically a front sacada woman to man, and then the woman and the man rotate around clockwise. Pretty interesting and hard to get the distances right.

Got to work on my stuff, torso and posture and all that shit, so it was a great class for me. One should note that there were twice as many men as women, which isn't even good if you're a woman because you have to change men all the time. Like real life, I assume.

I think I'm just too burned out and fucked up to head out to Practica X tonight, though that would be a great place to be. Next Tuesday for sure I'll do the class at Tango Motivo on Tuesday and then head to Práctica X.

I put a new counter on the page at the bottom, but it's quite a few hits behind the Google Analytics stuff I put in at the beginning. It's cool though because anybody can see the analysis.

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