
Mucho Tango, Mas O Menos

This photo is from 6 in the morning waiting for some restaurants to open again on Viernes santo which literally translated means "not quite as annoying as this same holiday would be in Madrid, where everything closed for real."

Last night was quite cool. First, went to a Tango Dinner at a place on Suipacha between Lavalle and Corrientes (the one closer to Lavalle) that does tango shows for free during dinner... it was okay, but the food kind of sucked. The waiter assured me that it was just bad luck, that other diners had complained in the same day. I'm not sure I'll go back there. It was a question of convenience because my parents are staying downtown for their last few days.

Then we went to another shitty place to have desert on Esmeralda, also between Lavalle and Corrientes. These are probably the worst places my parents have seen since they've been here. Let's face it, downtown is a terrible place to stay compared to Recoleta (or I guess you could go the other way and stay in San Telmo or something).

1am Niño Bien
Niño Bien is one of the classic Thursday night places, and my Mexican friend Karla assured me that it's nice. However, last night was right before a feriado so there were so many people that it more like an electronic music club than anything else. And the dance floor was even worse. So when Karla got there we took off immediately for Catedral.

1.30pm Catedral (Medrano and Sarmiento)
We got to Catedral and there was a group playing and there was a fair number of spectators, but there was still one or two tables free (nada que ver con Niño Bien). The dance floor is uneven and weird, but there was definitely enough room to dance and try some stuff out.

Several more friends (the Australians, Ed and Annie and their friend Alex) showed up too and hung out for a bit, and it was generally a great night. Well, for me: Karla said that no on asked her to dance. But there were really very few guys! Anyway, I danced a lot with good people like Karla and Lía, her German friend. It's not my fault if better dancers than me have to stand people like me :)

4.50am Viruta
The Viruta closed early due to being the night before a holiday. You could get this information by guessing, because it sure as hell isn't on any website (showing the low value of information in a developing country).

As we walked into the Viruta we realized that most everybody had left, and they were announcing the last tango. I danced it with my chica (who had just come free, strangely) and danced quite well given how badly I suck. A great dance night, in the end...!

We walked all the way to Corrientes along Scalabrini Ortiz (Emilio says, "it's only 4 blocks!") trying to find a place to have breakfast. Then I'm not sure what happened, I wound up at 12.30pm at my house really tired but unable to sleep (having slept elsewhere for 4.5 hours). The moral of the story: sleep is important, breakfast after going out is rarely interesting, don't bother. Oh, and go to your own house regardless of the prospect you have in front of you. If it's good enough, it will wait.

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