
Practica X and Color Tango in Canning

Quick report because I'm rushing out of the house to get my parents (who are still visiting) to go to "Chinatown" (Arribeños) and then we're going to Boca Tango where we know people. I hope they like it.

Last night:

Practica X
Práctica X was great as usual although if I'm not mistaken there were fewer people than normal. Lots of foreigners and lots of amazing dancers. This is one of the best female dancers who was there (I didn't even bother, of course)

But there were enough people to dance with, the floor is really nice (maybe too fast, but you can always put some water on your cromo) and really huge. Great vibe and great people as usual. However, I should note that one of my female friends was complaining that "no me saca nadie!" So I guess it depends on your perspective. On the other hand, one of my other female friends was having a great night. Not sure what this all means (yet).

Then I went to see Color Tango in Canning, which was great. The floor was tight (I didn't even dance, still feeling scared or whatever) but Color Tango was amazing. I always wondered how they get such a big sound... the answer is simple. Two bandoleones playing in unison! Now that might sound stupid, but Tango is based exclusively on technology that does not depend on electricity (except the microphones, of course). Personally, it was incredible and all, but I really think the best way to see Color Tango is on an MP3 player while you walk around Buenos Aires on a sunny day. Pero soy un hombre simple, ¿qué puedo decir?

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