
Saying Cool Stuff, Moving In Little Space, Practicing Alone

First off, last night's trip to La Viruta demonstrates, yet again, that if you can't do enrosques very well alone they're not going to come out too well on the dance floor.

Secondly, I was starting to think about the different variations that you can do on a move: rotation, angle (and other rotations, for instance you can walk leaning to the left causing a counter-clockwise circle), distance, rhythm... but it's strange, and it's something I noted with salsa for a while too: for the first few tangos you feel like the king of the world, trying out all kinds of different moves in different directions and everything feels so new. But then you eventually fail to develop any themes, fail to relate better to the music... and then I'm just bored, kind of flitting back and forth and doing what's necessary to finish the song. So I have to work on plugging into the woman and the song, even if there is little space like at the Viruta last night (too little space since it was Saturday, but there was an abundance of women).

This is interesting, though I don't think I'll be too coherent here: there were a few times in which I was able to have a good night in salsa for hours and begin to discover new relationships between moves and other moves, etc. Now that is the point that I want to get to: improvisation.

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