
Monday Night in Tango Motivo and Canning

I never made it to the 7pm class at Canning, though I like Alberto's classes. He makes the students do individual technique for the first part of the class (ochos and pivots and dissociation).

9.30pm Tango Motivo
At about 9.30pm I got to Tango Motivo at Villa Malcom. I had some friends there (95% foreign) and met some new people dancing, most notably Karla and Alejandra from Mexico and Vanina, their Argentinian friend. Also Florence from Switzerland came to hang out with us and watch "see some tango." Good vibe all around.

Anyway, Tango Motivo was really nice. Lots of space and good vibe. There weren't as many intermediate dancers as I would've liked, and there was a shortage of men all around (for me that's okay!). As a male I always think that I should "dance with the figures I know" instead of playing around with weight and rebotes and that kind of stuff. And of course I always think that stopping to try something or trying something a million times will annoy a woman. Instead, at least with people who are learning (which is mostly everybody except la gente más creída) it's not like that. Women love that you're trying stuff out, that you're playing with feeling her weight, etc.

1am at Canning
Tango Motivo ended at 12.30 (midnight y media) and we headed in a big group to Canning. Canning was absurdly crowded but Elsa (from Holland) asked me to dance. I said okay for the first song in the tanda, just until the floor filled up. But we stayed out there for the whole tanda. Once you start playing with the movement and feeling the woman's weight and really using the three or five figures that you know, you can stay out there for hours.

The vibe was great despite how crowded the place was, with one show of two songs and a tango trio that played several sets. They're Trío Garufa: one American (sorry! he's from the United States of America, perhaps I should've said United Statesian to avoid confusion), one Swiss, and one from Bahía Blanca. Incredible stuff. I think it's the first time I ever appreciated milonga (not tango) music before.

Today I already went to class at DNI and tonight I'll definitely be at Práctica X.

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