
Tango 1 at DNI

Last night I did Tango 2 with Jose and Viky and today Tango 2-3 or whatever in DNI with Gonzalo and Mariel. Of course Jose and Viky are teaching compatible stuff with DNI, since they studied with Dana and Pablo (which I did not know). But more importantly, I got together with Pedro from DNI to go over a few concepts before class. He really understands stuff and has a great way of teaching, even if his dancing is still a bit verde.

Tango in Buenos Aires is so great because there's always a new crop of people coming through the system, most of them being foreigners who come in and then eventually leave. The first time you ask somebody to dance you don't know them, but then subsequently you do. And if you're nice and even just okay, women are glad to dance with you because a good man is hard to find.

Tonight I'm going to try to get to the práctica at Tango Motivo, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to swing it. Life isn't all just tango. For one thing, I think I'm going to hit another heavy programming phase on the TheKbase (www.thekbase.com) and TheKBase Web (www.kbaseweb.com). For another, I'm here with my chica so who knows what'll happen next. This is Argentina, where the mundane is unpredictable and nothing much ever happens except for a big disaster every few years, for which no one was planning even though the warning signs were not particulary non-obvious.

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