
Casa de Tango (Tango Show?): El Metro (it's the same people as La Esquina de Carlos Gardel)

So I went to a tango show on an artist invite the other night. It's the newest show in town and probably one of the most expensive (not sure) and it's by the same people who run La esquina de Carlos Gardel. Anyway, as far as Tango shows go here in Buenos Aires, it's definitely the best I've seen and probably the best I will see. It had an amazing variety of registers and flavors and even the music... well, it made me appreciate Tango singing in a totally new way. They even did funny (pícaro), extravagant, and this amazing theater tricks that have been around for a while like redoing the entire stage with what is basically a completely different structure every few songs.

The place is beautiful, the service was great, there were hot women welcoming you in the lobby and hot empanadas as part of the deal. Good empanadas, too.

Our friend from Forever Tango says that "no tiene una línea [conductora]" (it doesn't have a unifying thread), which is probably true. So it's artistically void, but compared to TV it's pretty nice. Anyway, most of the tourists who come in those white vans will not be disappointed (and most of them would be dazzled with less). I highly recommend it, I just wish that I knew its name. Something like Porteño something or other. It's in the theater called Metro on 9 de julio (Cerrito, I think), but when I figure out the name I'll put it here [name here]. Check it out if you're just visiting and want to see some amazing tango.

Having some amazing breakthroughs in my Tango, more to come... thanks for reading!


b said...


This block is quite bitchen. I recently spent three months in BA and know about the things you are talking about. I laughed out loud somewhere where you say "the male instructors at DNI are basically all retards" or something. Haha, you are a mean bastard. And when you talked about tango1/2 taught by... "those short people," and then referring to opening the embrace as total bullshit, and then ultimately you admit that the foundation of sort of body movement/dynamics that is understood and taught at DNI DOES apply to Salon etc... it's just so all true and evocative of the whole life there and the tango experience... coming to grips with the fact that Villa Malcolm does NOT suck, that Canning usually DOES... I actually ended up coming home somewhat more confused about what was true to me than when I went there.... is there a pic of you somewhere? I'm sure we've crossed paths. Thanks again for the killer memories and laughs.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Just found your blog (and just got back from BA for the first time myself). I wonder if you would clarify things a bit. Are you saying that the dancers from the La Esquina de Carlos Gardel show are doing ANOTHER show at another location too? If so then I definitely want the details because those dancers were just excellent. Not the usual fighting in the bordello/turn the teenager on her head export tango crap that you see in many of the other shows. Those dancers were good and I would definitely be interested in any other show they are doing.

I also took Firpo's group classes and a private. Very good dancer. Beginning dancers could do far far worse than starting at his classes that's for sure.

Thank's for the great information.

ecbyahoo (at) yahoo.com

Dan Rosenstark said...

Thanks for your comments everybody.

B, I don't think the male INSTRUCTORS at DNI are retards, but most of the male dancers are, meaning the students. Some can dance, but on the whole the 'foreigners' that show up for a 'tango vacation' are easy to beat.

Also, yeah, I'll have to get a pic of me up here somewhere, but you can see me in my profile pic at http://www.dr2050.com (where you can check out my electronic music, too).

E. Clay, regarding the show, yes, you understood perrfectly. The dancers are many of the dancers from Carlos Gardel, the two main singers are from Carlos Gardel, and Delores Whatshername is the producer of the whole thing. She also produces La Esquina de Carlos Gardel.

And HERE is it now: http://www.tangoporteno.com.ar/. Note that the site is identical to the Carlos Gardel site. But my information is "la posta" (the truth) because we know many of the dancers, and everybody knows Aoniken.

Thanks to all of my readers for reading my totally unedited ramblings on Tango in Buenos Aires. I'll be writing more now that the audience is growing.

b said...

Hm, yeah, any pic that shows your face? Oh, sry I misunderstood about who the retards are. In fact I often went to tango.1 or 1/2 or even 2/3 at DNI just so there would be ONE DUDE who the chicks in those classes could have a decent time with. Plus of course it's a nice way to make connections for that night's cocktail party... weird deal, DNI, cuz I know some guys who are quite good with some figures that involve some difficult boleo or suspension type stuff but they would not be able to dance a single step at Canning. And yet....

Anyway the Saturday practica at DNI is quite nifty.

Dan Rosenstark said...

Okay B, I put up a picture on the Blog.

Everything you said about DNI is true. Particularly striking is the reality of "would not be able to dance a single step at Canning." But I'm not sure anymore, not even about that. But it's definitely my reality: I'm no genius in the modern stuff, but I can ask even REALLY good people (from Tango Nuevo) to dance and with a bit of flirting and friendliness, my dancing is good enough to last 5 tangos. In Canning, I'm a total "tarado" (retard).

Anyway, thanks for your continued comments and interest. Where are you at now (in the US)?

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!